Sunday, November 27, 2011

My outdoor activity

My OA activity was very very good.  I couldn't forget the beautiful scenery of Ligidae. Since this was  my first time to go to Ligidae.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My English course to Phlilipine

I went to the Philippines to take an English language course last  year. There were 50 members of our team. My flight left the Kim-Hae international airport  on the 2nd of  August 2010 at 9:00. The flight arrived at 1:30 a.m on the 3rd of August 2010. After we ate breakfast we got OT  time with Filipino mentors for 3 hours in the gym of Holiday hotel. On the evening of the August 3rd  I went to Risal park with some members to learn about who  Risal was. The next day we went to PITOGO elementary to observe mentors’ classes. The PITOGO school reminded me of our country in the 60’s. In the 60’s, Korea was very poor. There were 45 students in one class. Two or three of school buildings looked very old.  Pitogo elementary school principal guided our team around Pitogo’s school a lot. There were 1,800 students and 80 teachers in Pitogo elementary school. The principal in Pitogo elementary school  was proud of her school being ranked 2nd degree of the final exam in their state. Even though their situation was that bad  I was impressed with  their efforts. After I spending 4 weeks  I came back Pusan, Korea. I felt thankful for my country Korea and I decided to do my best for my students.

My TTP Courses

 I am taking the following courses as part of the PUFS Teacher Training Program.
CALL, Classroom English, Cultural Understanding, Drama, ER, Fun Fun, Games, Idioms, Listening, Outdoor Activity, Pronunciation, Speaking, Survival English, TLS, TRW, Writing


My English course to Philipihne

I went to the Philippines to get English language course last  year. There were 50 members of our team. My flight left the Kim-Hae international air port  in 2nd,  August 2010 at 9:00. The flight arrived at 1:30 a.m. 3rd, August 2010. After we ate breakfast we got OT  time with Fililpino mentors for 3 hours in the gym of Holiday hotel. On the evening of the 3rd August  I went to Risal park with some members to know who  Risal was. Next day we went to PITOGO elementary to observe mentors’ classes. The PITOGO school reminded our country of 60’s. In the 60’s, Korea was very poor. There were 45 students in one class. Two or three of school buildings looked very old.  Pitogo elementary school principal guided Pitogo’s school to our team  a lot. There were 1,800 students and 80 teachers in Pitogo elementary school. The principal in Pitogo elementary school  was proud of her school being ranked 2nd degree of the final exam in their state. Even though their situation was that bad  I was impressed with  their efforts. After I spent 4 weeks  I came back Pusan, Korea. I thanked my country Korea and I minded doing my best for my students.

Monday, September 26, 2011

My picture

1.About my  Picture
I was an English teacher of 4th grade in Gae Rim elementary school  before I registered for this course. I taught two subjects to my students. One is P.E. The other is English.
I used this photo as motivation of English class. All students were interested in such motivational steps.

2. About my Picture

There are about 30 students in one class.
I took charge of 4 classes a day in English classroom.
Some students are passionate and outgoing like me. But some students are very shy. I often encourage them to present their thoughts.

3. About my Picture
I don’t spare my compliments to my students.
Whenever they make mistakes, I try to change their mood.

4. About my Picture
Min-Gi is a good student.
He  was a model student every English class since I started Gae Rim elementary school.
Even if it was short time since I met him in English class,
I often tell other classes about his merits.

5. My picture
Sun-Gi is also my student.
When I taught him phonics,  he followed me very well.
 I think he was really  genius. He is passionate, too.